Daily stress and how to deal with it
Daily stress and how to deal with it. Unfortunately, you don’t have to be an adult these days to suffer from the stress and strains of life.
Stress can build up in our bodies and mind causing sickness and illness to even the best of us.
There are two types of stress to think about.
Good stress that happens when we are doing something we love, but can get carried away with ourselves. And then there is the bad stress that occurs when we worry about things in a negative way due to situations in our daily lives.
Everyone suffers from stress from time to time and it’s how we control it that is important. Whether it’s worrying about starting a new school or exams, to worrying about money, it affects us all.
Thankfully there are certain steps we can all take to help us manage our own stress levels. If managed correctly, we can deal with problems and lead healthy and productive lives.
We have put together some simple steps all of us can take to manage stress to get us through the day.
Write down what is stressing you
By keeping notes for a few weeks of your stress levels, it will help you identify which situations in your life are causing you to be stressed.
Once you can put your finger on the problem then you can learn to avoid them. For example, if there are people or situations in your life causing you to be stressed, confront them and explain to them why they are causing you stress.
This is facing the problem head on and chat to a close friend who you trust first. If this does not work then stay away from them as you don’t need negative people in your life.
Understand your limits
Identify your own limits. It’s wise to never bite off more than you can chew. This can lead to stressful situations. Never take on more than you can cope with and never be scared to say No to people pressuring you into situations that you are not comfortable with.
Set yourself boundaries
To help you cope with stress, why not establish some life boundaries. Have a shut off point in your day where you stop taking phone calls or receiving e-mails after work hours.
This also applies to younger people who feel it’s important to respond and interact with people on social media instantly. The simple answer is you don’t.
Everyone needs “me time” and by giving time to yourself allows you mind time to recalibrate and gather your thoughts.
It’s important to your well-being. Spend time chatting to friends and family members. Personal interaction is far better than talking to an electrical advice.
Use the timer on your phone to set a limit of use then put it down afterwards. Learn to switch off.
Recharge your mind
When we recharge our minds, wonderful things happen. It allows us to think more clearly and make better decisions.
Get out into the fresh air and go for a 15-30 minute walk every day. Switch off any electrical device that will interrupt the time you are giving yourself to connect with your mind.
This is not only good for your own physical fitness but for your mind. Switch off from the problems around you and listen to the sounds of nature as you walk in the park.
You will be amazed how good this feels. This is allowing your mind to recharge and think things through.
Daily stress and how to deal with it
Get good sleep
Sleep is so important to our well-being and it’s recommended that adults should get at least 8 hours sleep every night. Good sleep is the key and you need to prepare properly for this. Here’s some ways you can do this.
- Don’t eat at least 4 hours before you are hoping to go to sleep
- Turn off all electrical devices like phones and TV sets at least one hour before you jump into bed.
- Don’t sleep with a phone beside your bed as it’s too easy to check for messages or e-mails if it’s right beside you.
- Drink a glass of water before you go to sleep.
- Make sure you have a good pillow to support your head and neck.
- Try something new, like reading a book or magazine for a small period of time like 30 minutes. This will help take your mind off any worries you may have.
- Try a 10 minute exercise while standing beside your bed. This will also help you relax and prepare you for a good night sleep.
If you have problems that are really worrying you like financial matters or family or work related issues, talk to a trusted friend. A trouble shared is a trouble halved. There are also lots of support helplines available where you can chat in confidence to people about any worries you have.
Important things to remember
It’s 2019 not 1919, and it’s always important to talk about your feelings instead of keeping them to yourself. Leave your self-pride apart when seeking help or advice about your worries of life.
There is absolutely no shame in looking for help. It’s a sign of strength not weakness. You should never worry about things that are either out of your control or that cannot be controlled. This applies to the behaviour of other people.
Always look on the bright side of life. Instead of looking at what you haven’t got, look at what you do have in your life. It’s not about who has the best phone or how many people have following them on social media (most of them they don’t even know personally).
Daily stress and how to deal with it
It is far important to have one good friend than 20 who don’t know or understand you.
Ask yourself this simple question when it comes to worry or stress, Will your problem matter this time in 12 months’ time? If the answer is NO then forget about worrying about it.
Things always work out for the best and never think you are on your own. We all have people who love us. Talk, chat , laugh and cry.
These are all great ways of releasing tension and stress. Stay safe and look after yourself. You will never know how much you are loved! If you need to chat to someone if confidence then don’t be scared to make that call!
Daily stress and how to deal with it