Fashion mistakes men should avoid in spring and summer
Fashion mistakes men should avoid in spring and summer. I’ll come right out and say it. Men do not dress well in summer. Now, this is not true of everyone. Those used to the sun – looking at you, Italy – tend to know what they’re doing.
But some cannot seem to differentiate between a balmy afternoon and mini heatwave. Granted, we don’t usually get enough sun to master warn-weather style.
However, that’s no excuse to dive into a sunny weekend wearing inappropriate clothing. Read on to discover just some fashion mistakes you should avoid during the spring and summer months.
Wearing Too Few Clothes
When they see the first rays of sunlight, those deficient in vitamin D shed all layers of clothing. Unless you’re lucky enough to live in a tropical climate, wearing too few clothing is not practical.
And not least when the sun goes away and you’re left with a cold wintery chill. Swap your heavy fabrics for lighter ones. Wear breathable cotton and linen mixes to keep yourself cool.
Being Too Conservative
Layers trap heat between them, so keeping your vest concealed under a heavy jumper will provide several degrees of heat. Cool down by wearing a t-shirt and ditch your heavy jacket for a denim one.
Wearing The Wrong Footwear
Particularly in good weather. Many men let their feet out in flip flops – which are rarely appropriate outside of the beach – or keep them suffocated in leather shoes.
In the summer, leather shoes can make your feet sweaty. And no one wants to come near you with stinky feet. Keep them cool with an air conditioning alternative: canvas. Suede is also more porous and therefore breathable.
The downside to both is that rain will do serious damage. Make sure to protect them with a hydrophobic spray and always check the weather forecast.
Skimping On Sunglasses
It may not always be the case, but sometimes budget sunglasses can mean budget protection. Your pupils dilate when your wear tinted pieces of plastic. And without UV protection, more damaging sunlight can get in.
Opt for lenses with full spectrum protection. Look for ones with the CE mark – a European standard of quality. This mark means that they meet industry standards of allowing in no more than 5% of UV rays. If you want a good style choice, go classic. Black or tortoiseshell frames go with anything.
Fashion mistakes men should avoid in spring and summer